Zoom on… Crus Artisans Open House
The “Crus Artisans du Médoc” open their doors to you to help you discover their vineyards and their wines, but above all their state of mind, attached to their history and their roots. Learn more

News: Another vision of the vineyard
Apart from the traditional "visits and tastings", many châteaux offer you the opportunity to discover their estate, their work, their wines in a more original way, such as:
Nature visit at Château Lafon-Rochet
Country Walk and Viticulture at Château Castera
The care of the vines at Chateau Hourtin Ducasse
Aper'O Carrelet at Château Tour Castillon
Discovery of agroforestry at Château Haut-Bages Liberal
Tasting at the end of the Plot at Chateau Beauvillage
And more

Entertainment: the team's favourites!
Download the agenda for the next 15 days in PDF format

Online Ticketing SunSka
Vertheuil – Domain of Nodris After Sunska
Vertheuil – Domain of Nodris Vaults & Voices
Vertheuil – Abbey Cabaret St-Sabastien


You are organizing a demonstration, an event, a party, a fair, a bingo...
It will take place in the CDC Médoc-Cœur-De-Presqu'île, so remember to inform the tourist office, as soon as possible, of the publication in the agenda of our site www.medocvignoble.com is FREE.