Send to discover the wine route

Visiter un château

Visit a castle

All the vineyard

18 - 19janv.

Weekend Visit'O Châteaux

As part of the Visit'O Châteaux Weekends, 1 to 3 estates offer visits and tastings all weekend long.


Chateau La Bridane

Osmond Castle

Send of escape and large spaces

Circuit des Cabanes de Vigne
Around water (canal, stream, lake, marsh, ...), Countryside

Vine huts circuit

7,1 km
Saint-Estèphe en boucle

Saint-Estèphe in loop

15 km
La Blaignanaise
Around water (canal, stream, lake, marsh, ...), Countryside

The Blaignanaise

14,2 km

Send to become ?

Between vineyards and estuary, the Médoc-Vignoble territory marvelously combines wild nature and prestigious wines, all at the gates of Bordeaux and at the foot of the Atlantic beaches.
Let yourself be surprised!

At the heart of a prestigious vineyard and a rich heritage on the coast of the largest estuary in Europe, the Gironde.

Carte de situation

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